Marriage Resources

Video & Audio

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The Marriage Course - Nicky & Sila Lee

This 6-session, UK-produced series is well-done, interactive, and equips couples in a number of key areas.

Marriage Night

This annual livestream includes music, comedy, and marriage teaching.

The Meaning of Marriage- Tim & Kathy Keller

This 6-session video series is a great complement to the book The Meaning of Marriage (recommended below.)

You & Me Forever - Francis Chan

A number of SR Groups have discussed this video series and found it to be one of the best.

The Marriage of Your Dreams

These 4 engaging and challenging videos got great feedback when South Ridge used them for a recent marriage-focused “Intermission”

Marriage- Tim Keller

These two message series are a little older, but they are so foundational and worth a listen.

Sex, Singleness, & Marriage - Tim Keller


Weekend to Remember

This FamilyLife weekend getaway is a combination of solid content, guided interaction with your spouse, and quality “down time.”

Hope Restored Marriage Intensive

This getaway features an idyllic setting and approximately a year’s worth of professional counseling in 3-5 days.


A Marriage Carol- Chris Fabry

This fictional story is well-written and prompts reflection on the things we take often take for granted in our marriages.

The Meaning of Marriage- Tim & Kathy Keller

Thoughtful and grounded, this book is an extended reflection on the “husbands and wives” portion of Ephesians 5.

The Gift of Sex - Cliff & Joyce Penner

Straight-forward and celebratory, this book aims to cast a comprehensive vision for sexual expression as God intended it.

Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couples Needs to Make- Paul David Tripp

A number of SR Groups have discussed this book and found it to be one of the best.

Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel- Ray Ortlund

This short book is an airplane view of marriage through Scripture and how it reveals the gospel.

Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts: 7 Questions to Ask Before and After You Marry - Les & Leslie Parrott

Each chapter in this very practical book asks and answers a key question related to strengthening your marriage.

Marriage-Focused Groups

Let's Talk Marriage

This marriage group , led by Mike & Shannon Nusser, will meet every 3rd Thursday evening, here on campus, starting in September. It’s a once-a-month opportunity for you and your spouse (or fiancé) to take intentional time to gain new tools, experience new support, and deepen trust & unity in your marriage.


We would be happy to connect you with a qualified, biblically grounded, marriage counselor.

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