And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. (Ephesians 2:22)
While we live in challenging times of instability and uncertainty where change swirls around us, God’s Word and His Work are secure. Because South Ridge desires to participate in Jesus’ ongoing work, we have developed our Built Together 2025 action plan. Our prayer is that through the initiatives of Built Together 2025, South Ridge will continue to be used by God to bring His grace & truth into people’s lives, our community, and the world.
Built Together 2025 Capstone Project
A significant focus of Built Together 2025 was to take steps to maximize the South Ridge facility and campus for ministry, particularly including the enhancement of Family Ministry space. As a result, the Built Together Capstone Project includes a completely new HVAC system for the Auditorium and Lower Level as well as other major renovations to the lower levels of the main South Ridge building.
The cost of the Built Together 2025 Capstone Project is anticipated to total approximately $2.5 million. Estimates & bids are still being obtained for some aspects of the project. South Ridge has approximately $1 million already designated for the project.
South Ridge will be seeking additional contributions to the Built Together 2025 Capstone Project at the conclusion of 2024 and throughout 2025. Additional fund-raising efforts will continue until the project is complete funded.
Additionally, South Ridge is in the process of seeking a short-term loan to cover costs until funds are fully in hand.
The Built Together Capstone Project includes major improvements, updates, and renovations to main building of South Ridge (the main building includes two wings: the 1974 wing refers to the section of the main building housing the auditorium; the 1967 wing refers to the section of the main building housing the nursery/offices/rooms 106 & 107.)
The following is a summary of the project:
HVAC Equipment – all new HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) equipment & ducts for full 1974 Wing (both Auditorium & Lower Level classrooms) as well as new HVAC for 1967 Wing lower-level classrooms.
Site Work: Concrete pads for HVAC equipment; replacement of outdoor steps, walls, etc.; Repave driveway for parsonages and lower-level parking area.
Wheelchair Lift & Structural: Install wheelchair lift enabling access between 1967 & 1974 wing lower levels; widen lower-level passageway/hallway between 1967 & 1974 wings.
General Renovations: New ceiling & lighting for both 1967 & 1974 wing lower-levels; SR Kids greeting & check-in area; modifications to walls.
Miscellaneous: Includes upgraded electrical service; replacement of electrical outlets & switches; architectural fees; permit costs; fire prevention measures; dumpsters; potential unforeseen necessities, etc.
The project is anticipated to begin in April and conclude in July. Ministry will be significantly disrupted and plans will be communicated for modifications to ministry schedules. More details to follow!
Through the end of 2025, South Ridge will focus on the following ministry priorities:
We Will Develop & Enhance Avenues
for Authentic Relationship & Connection
Maximize community-building culture
Serve areas of targeted healing
Take steps to support those with special needs
We Will Develop & Enhance Avenues
for Deepening Discipleship
Provide & enhance resource accessibility
Strengthen Family Ministry offerings
Strengthen whole-life discipleship
We Will Develop & Enhance Avenues
for Redemptive Engagement
Maximize facility & campus for ministry
Equip congregation for missional living
Heighten community focus
Watch the video below to see Lead Pastor Nathan Tuckey and Elder Board Chairman Dan Arthur discuss the Built Together 2025 ministry priorities in more detail.