Thank you for your financial giving to South Ridge in 2023!
As followers of Jesus, we give in response to God's generous grace given to us in Jesus Christ. Your financial partnership enables the South Ridge congregation to fulfill its mission for people to Experience Belonging, Embrace God's Grace, and Extend God's Love.
All financial contributions during December will go toward our Year-End Giving goal of $450,000. Year-End Giving funds will be utilized in the following ways:
General Budget & Care Fund
The General Budget meets all 2023 expenses for SR’s ongoing active ministry and supports our Ministry Partners. The Care Fund is utilized to meet personal needs (utilities, rent, groceries, etc.) for people in the SR congregation & surrounding community.
Extend Ministry Focus
While 15% of all Giving to South Ridge is directed to SR’s Local and Global Ministry Partners during the year, this is increased to 25% during Year-End Giving. The focus of the additional 10% will be directed to World Relief & Samaritan’s Purse to meet basic needs and provide trauma healing in war-torn areas including Ukraine, Israel & Gaza, and North Africa.
Facility & Future Projects
Year-End Giving is utilized for facility projects related to Built Together 2025 (renovation of Family Ministry space; HVAC replacement) and future ministry initiatives & needs.
If you need any giving assistance, email Elena Davis or call her at 908-735-5252 x 312.